How does the challenge work?

How does the Challenge work?

4 Challenges - 4 weeks - All FREE! - Everything you need to inspire some creativity in your students!

After you have enrolled you will get access to the first section of the course which will include your first mini challenge!

Then every 7 days a new challenge will be released. You will get an email notification letting you know the content is ready. Log into your account online to view and download the resources you want to use and then share with your students. Any finished creations and projects can be shared by uploading in a number of places, either for us or the world to see.

The challenges can be completed in a week, or you can encourage your students to take longer. You don't need to do do all of them. But by signing up to this course you get life time access so you can set the other challenges at a later date that suits you.

What do I need to take part?

We have optimised all of these activities for an iPad. But it's not exclusive! You can easily do the challenges on a Mac or an iPhone using the same FREE software and apps. You can use any aged device, but some of the features may only work on devices that you have been able to upgrade to the latest software.

If you have another form of tablet, we'd also love for you to take part and to see what you produce.

What resources are included in each challenge?

We want to make this as easy as possible for you - the idea is that you get to put your feet up and watch your children do the work. So we have prepared all the following resources you need to share with your children.

• An Overview video to give you and your children a brief overview of what the challenge is about, what you could do and what skills it will help develop.

• Challenge Guide you can share with your children

• Three different levelled challenges which will each include:

  • A video guide to the basics of the core free app
  • Some prompt ideas to get your children started
  • A downloadable planning sheet
  • A downloadable challenge sheet
  • A certificate or digital badge for you to issue when your children complete a challenge

Each challenge will have three different levels which will be labelled like this.

Everyone should start at the main challenge and then they can choose whether they want to move on to do the extra challenges.

What happens after they children have created something?

Your children can share what they have created just with your or their family, or they can share it with a wider audience via a workflow like SeeSaw or Padlet. All the guidelines are in the next section.

  • Upload to Padlet
  • Share on Social Media
  • Get a Certificate or a Digital Badge

Have more questions?

Download our FAQ below.

See the 'More Information and Support' section for some ways of getting additional help.

A note for teachers

As educators we are happy to give you access to all of our resources in a handy, single download folder, so you can upload them to your chosen workflow (Google Classroom, Showbie, OneDrive etc) So all you need to do is to either copy and paste the text or upload the PDF guide into an email or your digital workflow.

This way your students have everything they need to take part in one document. If you have signed up with a school email address, the link to this folder will be included in your weekly challenge notification.

We will release all four challenges in a single folder shortly. Please email [email protected] if you would like to be notified when this is available.

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